Monday was a nice warm evening so we went for a walk after dinner to Granville Island, to get a feel for it at night. Its nice looking across the water to all the lights of the city. There are some nice looking restaurants there, we may have to head back one evening.
Tuesday was a half day at work for me, after this we headed into town for a small amount of much needed summer clothes shopping. We can't wait to actually be able to go shopping properly, so much saving time and no spending gets to you in the end, never thought I'd say that. We got tickets to the movies, headed home for dinner and then back into town to see Ice Age 3 in 3D. We both found this hilarious. Both of us laughed most of the way through the movie. There was one point we were in hysterics, I had trouble seeing through the tears streaming down my face. I don't know what it was, but I just think they had more adult jokes placed throughout it. I definitely recommend this to everyone, if you enjoyed the first one.
Due to starting nights on Wednesday (my first 12 hour night) we had a late one the night before and a bit of a sleep in on Weds. Today we headed for a relaxing lunch at Hurricane bar in Yale town. They had beautiful meals, great location, reasonably cheap and the waitress we had was very good. All great components of a great meal out. The one time I don't mind tipping someone. We walked back along false creek towards home and I had a bit of a snooze before starting work.
Night shift went surprisingly well for the first day anyway. Actually went a lot faster than I thought it would. I think I will start to like 12 hours. The only thing is when your working you work, eat and sleep, I feel too tired to do anything else, well things that are energetic anyway.
Friday morning I finished my night shifts and slept till about 2pm. We decided to have a nice night in and watch movies. Picked 2 very different movies. Yes man with Jim Carey was the first movie and this was surprisingly good, even Cam liked it and hes not the biggest fan of Jim. It even had Rhys Darby in it and he was hilarious. If you want to watch a movie that you can have a good laugh in and not have to pay much attention then this is the movie for you. The second movie was completely different, this was Valkyrie, based on the true story of a plot to kill Hitler. This was also quite good in its own way, didn't blow us a way but still worth watching.
Saturday started out to be a really nice day, but ended up with lots of rain, thunder and lightening, which started right before the Illuminati Lantern Festival at Trout Lake Park. This is a festival which happens every year, hundreds of people gather with home made lanterns or anything that glows. There are performers, stalls and lanterns set up all around the lake. There are no lights as such, just the light from the lanterns. We headed over to Alison's house (a lady I just met who has started at the hospital) which was about 10 minutes walk to Trout Lake park. We enjoyed sitting around in the sun drinking mojitos made by Alison and other drinks while chatting the evening away.
Friday morning I finished my night shifts and slept till about 2pm. We decided to have a nice night in and watch movies. Picked 2 very different movies. Yes man with Jim Carey was the first movie and this was surprisingly good, even Cam liked it and hes not the biggest fan of Jim. It even had Rhys Darby in it and he was hilarious. If you want to watch a movie that you can have a good laugh in and not have to pay much attention then this is the movie for you. The second movie was completely different, this was Valkyrie, based on the true story of a plot to kill Hitler. This was also quite good in its own way, didn't blow us a way but still worth watching.
The weather started clouding over so we moved onto the covered deck for dinner when it started raining. Along with this came the constant lightening and thunder (apparently something Vancouver never gets), it must have gone on for at least 1-2 hours. The rain wasn't going to stop us though, we all borrowed rain coats off Alison and headed out into the rain. On our way to the festival people were telling us it was cancelled, we decided to continue along for a look anyway as we could hear drums in the distance. Good thing we didn't listen to those people, even though there weren't as many people or lanterns as other years (according to Alison) there were still enough around to get the idea. Initially there were supposed to be fireworks as well, however these were cancelled due to the grass being so dry with the heat Vancouver has been having. It was pretty funny really considering now it was poring with rain. We didn't need fireworks anyway the lightening took care of this. It was beautiful walking around looking at all the neat hand made lanterns and seeing lights glowing in the dark in the distance. Alison had an awesome jellyfish lantern. We ended up reasonably wet, well I wasn't too bad, but worth it.
Sunday (yesterday), yes we are catching up on our blog, was Caribbean day in North Vancouver. We should not have gone to this as now I really want to go a Caribbean place, it looks soooo nice. Definitely think I have to do it one day though. Didn't really get up to much here as it was so hot,
must have been around the late 20's/early 30's, only supposed to get hotter next week as well (Another thing that doesn't happen in Vancouver either apparently). We had some traditional Trinidad and Tobago food though, well I went for the chicken curry but Cam had goat curry, wasn't too bad but think we could have found a better stall. Then we sat in the shade and looked out at the ocean drinking smoothies, another relaxing day over.